Spring Gardening Ideas

Spring is a fantastic time for a refresh. Is there a bare corner that needs colour? Maybe some gaps in the shrubbery? Room for another vegie bed? Or just a general need for a tidy up. Spring is the perfect time to do a post-winter spruce and prepare the outdoor space for summer entertaining. 

Time for a tidy up?
Spring is the ideal time to get in and give your garden a bit of a tidy up. Following the Winter weather, and with more sunshine beaming in, you’ll notice rapid growth in the garden. Unfortunately, this isn’t just limited to flowers! Weeds, too, are thriving at an accelerated pace. If your garden is looking overgrown or a bit tired from Winter and in need of a bit of spruce, get in touch with our team.

Raise it up
Spring is a great time to set up a raised garden bed. There are so many reasons why raised garden beds are such a great idea. Firstly, they’re great for growing plots of veges, fruit, and flowers, making it easier to control the weeds, pesky slugs and snails from your soil. Plus, raised garden beds are aesthetically appealing in your garden area. You can also set up a raised bed right on your deck or patio, making it accessible and easy to get a few snips of what you need when you need it! Our very own designed green walls are perfect for this purpose and can grow a lot of kai in a limited space. Check out our Green Walls for inspiration.

Get Juicing
With Spring comes a medley of citrus fruits for us to enjoy. You’ll find tangelo, lemons and grapefruit readily available throughout the Spring months. Don’t just leave them to hang on the tree, these Vitamin C packed goodies make great juices! Try our delicious juice Citrus Fruit Punch recipe perfectly refreshing on those hot sunny days.
There's nothing quite like picking sun-kissed fruit right from your own backyard and enjoying the health benefits!

Kid-crafted Gardens
As the hours get longer and temperatures get warmer, it’s a great time to get the kids outdoors in the garden. And a neat idea is to help them set up their own garden. Children can grasp the origins of food most effectively through cultivating it themselves. This process combines a science and life lesson all in one. You can initiate this journey with options they will enjoy like strawberries, snow peas, or cherry tomatoes. Allocate a dedicated garden patch for them to start planting, show them how to regularly care for their plants, and watch as they learn and get passionate about gardening!
Also, check out our painted pot activity that the kids will love.

If you’re considering giving your garden a spring tidy-up or would like to talk ideas over then get in contact with us. Our team can help make your garden look its best during the winter season. Book a free consultation with us today.


Watering your Garden